About us

150 years in the service of winemaking: Tuscan tradition and sustainable innovation

Since 1873, we have been marketing demijohns, flasks, and other winemaking items. Over the years, the production process of these products has changed. In the past, the work was entirely done by men who, after gathering, drying, and processing the marsh grass called “Sarello,” skillfully wove it by hand to create the covered demijohn according to the typically Tuscan art of straw covering. Today, this process is naturally different, but the result is still of high quality.

Our range is much broader and has adapted to market demands. Our catalog boasts over 500 different glass items, including: pottery, candlesticks, oil dispensers, bottles, and of course demijohns and flasks. All the items we offer are made from recycled glass, which in ancient Tuscan tradition was called “Mezzobianco.”

Our Staff

We are a group of passionate professionals, united by a common vision to provide excellent products to our customers. Each team member brings a unique set of experiences and skills, contributing to the success and growth of our company.

Giovacchino Barni is not simply a company dedicated to the sale and distribution of glass containers; it represents a reality with unique experience in the sector, capable of fully meeting customer demands.

Our staff is and will always be attentive to the needs of the customer and ready to meet any request.


Giovacchino Barni, glass containers since 1873

Giovacchino Barni establishes the company

Our story begins in the late 1800s when the brothers…






Siamo un gruppo di professionisti appassionati, uniti dalla visione comune di fornire prodotti eccellenti ai nostri clienti. Ogni membro del nostro team porta con sé un bagaglio unico di esperienze e competenze, contribuendo al successo e alla crescita della nostra azienda.

Giovacchino Barni non è semplicemente un’azienda dedicata alla vendita e distribuzione di contenitori in vetro, ma rappresenta una realtà con un’esperineza unica nel settore, in grado di rispondere appieno alle richieste.

Il nostro personale è e sarà sempre attento alle esigenze del clien te e pronto a soddisfare ogni sua richiesta.

Nome e Cognome

CEO & Fondatore

Nome e Cognome

Responsabile Marketing

Nome e Cognome

CEO & Fondatore

Nome e Cognome

Responsabile Marketing